
Resisting Temptation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Today, people are able to engage in choice in almost every aspect of their lives—choice is good; we look up to people who pursue their personal goals. The worship of choice enables people to pursue individual self-fulfillment as the main motivating force in their lives. Resisting temptation is not on their agenda. The fallout in society is a higher level of crime, a lower standard of morality,...

This could be related to the temptation in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:14–19), the forbidden fruit representing the world, the appetite that lusted after the fruit representing the flesh, the agent used to attract attention to the fruit, representing the devil. Eve rightly opposed the tempter with ‘God has said’ (Gen. 3:3), but unfortunately did not persist in her course. Later Jesus said it and held firm. In Romans 13:14 we are commanded to make no provision for the flesh, but Eve sought to make
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